Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Sidiropoulou, Ch., Pagouni, I. & Dinas, K. 2020. Multimodal texts and linguistic development in early childhood education: comics’ impact on oral language skills. 4th International Conference Education Across Borders Education in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, σσ. 645-654

Sidiropoulou, Ch., Pagouni, I. & Dinas, K. 2020. Multimodal texts and linguistic development in early childhood education: comics’ impact on oral language skills. 4th International Conference Education Across Borders Education in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, σσ. 645-654

The use of multimodal texts has been introduced in education, especially in language teaching, during the last decades in response to the social, cultural and technological changes in the world. Comics due to their multimodal character are considered as a powerful teaching tool. Greek Early Childhood Education Curriculum (Greek ECE Curriculum) suggests the use of multimodal texts in preschool classes. However, in opposition to other education levels, comics are not sufficiently used in preschool teaching and learning procedures. Considering this gap, we conducted an exploratory case study at a preschool class in Florina investigating the comics’ impact on preschool children’s oral text production. We examined if using comics in storytelling activities could a) improve children’s ability to sequence events of a story, b) help children to increase the number of linking words that they use, c) make children give more complete and complex structurein their story production.According to the findings, most of the thirteen children, involved in this study, showed considerable improvement. We claimed that comics’ use contributed positively to this improvement.

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