Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Dinas, K., Vamvakidou, I., Kyridis, A., Drossos, V., Daskalaki, N., Takidou, M. 2006. «I can’t stand those pokemons. They are driving my children crazy». Infants, preschool teachers and parents are expressing their opinions about pokemons. Proceedings of the Edu-World 2006, 1-3/6/2006, σσ. VII 122-134

Dinas, K., Vamvakidou, I., Kyridis, A., Drossos, V., Daskalaki, N., Takidou, M. 2006. «I can’t stand those pokemons. They are driving my children crazy». Infants, preschool teachers and parents are expressing their opinions about pokemons. Proceedings of the Edu-World 2006, 1-3/6/2006, σσ. VII 122-134

Pikatsou, Raitsou, Voulpix and Ash are the new virtual idols of young children – the heirs of Mickey and Donald – the latest achievement of hero and idol industry, the new consuming product, which is targeted at the largest but weakest group of consumers, the children. Nowadays, comics or cartoon heroes seem to comprise a new domineering force over children’s thoughts, dreams, language and life. As a result, Pokemons have been depicted as one of the latest and most common discussion topics among parents, educators, children and advertisers. The purpose of this piece of research was to elucidate a part of this discussion. Thus, we asked from 7 preschool teachers, 12 infants and 5 parents to talk about Pokemons, using semi-structured interview as a research tool. In addition, we observed children’s behavior during their play in 4 preschool classes. The analysis of the observation data showed that when playing, children imitate accurately the acts and the speech of Pokemons characters. They become violent and they repeat cliché phrases, which are used very often in the Pokemons TV programme. The interview analysis showed that children have an almost pathologic admiration for Pokemons, “trainers” and their action. Teachers and parents report violent behaviors and accurate imitations as results of children’s obsession with Pokemons.

I can’t stand those pokemons


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