Αρχική » Συλλογικοί τόμοι » Γρίβα, Ε. & Ντίνας, Κ. 2018. Στρατηγικές κατανόησης και παραγωγής γραπτού λόγου. Στο Ντίνας, Κ. (επιμ.). 2018. Figura in Praesentia Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στον καθηγητή Θανάση Νάκα. Εκδόσεις Πατάκη, σσ. 57-73

Γρίβα, Ε. & Ντίνας, Κ. 2018. Στρατηγικές κατανόησης και παραγωγής γραπτού λόγου. Στο Ντίνας, Κ. (επιμ.). 2018. Figura in Praesentia Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στον καθηγητή Θανάση Νάκα. Εκδόσεις Πατάκη, σσ. 57-73

The importance of developing reading and writing strategies has been proved in a number of recent studies, since strategic instruction contributes to stu­dents’ active monitoring of the reading and writing process and the enhan­cement of their competency in reading and writing skills. In this paper, a li­terature review of studies on strategy instruction is attempted, and the role of strategy use awareness for making students comprehend a text ef­fectively  and produce a piece of writing is stressed. We present a number of teaching models designed to raise students’ awarenessas to the purpose and rationale of strategy useand to give them opportunities to practice the strategies that they are being taught, and to help them understand how to use those stra­tegies in new learning contexts. The integration of strategy training into the regular classroom is suggested as a blueprint for teachers to put it into pra­ctice, in order for them to develop strategic readers and writers.

Γρίβα & Ντίνας


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