Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Akritidis, N., Konstantopoulos, K., Dinas, K., Palaiologou, N. & Patsiou, S. 2020. Refugee students in greek school: mapping the situation in Central and Western Macedonia, needs and suggestions. 4th International Conference Education Across Borders Education in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, 824-832

Akritidis, N., Konstantopoulos, K., Dinas, K., Palaiologou, N. & Patsiou, S. 2020. Refugee students in greek school: mapping the situation in Central and Western Macedonia, needs and suggestions. 4th International Conference Education Across Borders Education in the 21st Century: Challenges and Perspectives, 824-832

The region of Central and Western Macedonia embraced the refugee and asylum seekers from the very first moment they arrived in our country, trying to implement the educational measures which are set by the Ministry of Education, to meet the needs of this new population in the direction of respect, human rights and dignity for every human being.

Keywords: Refugee Education, Asylum Seekers, Refugee Education Coordinators, Intercultural Education

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