Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Arvaniti, I., Kyridis, A., Dinas, K. 2007. Greek Primary School Teachers Dream of the Ideal School Library. Library Philosophy and Practice 2007 (August), University of Nebraska – Lincoln: pp. 14

Arvaniti, I., Kyridis, A., Dinas, K. 2007. Greek Primary School Teachers Dream of the Ideal School Library. Library Philosophy and Practice 2007 (August), University of Nebraska – Lincoln: pp. 14

School libraries have been the subject of a number of regulations since the establishment of the Greek nation, but school libraries have never been treated as an essential feature of educational programmes. They lack space, funds and equipment. Moreover, teachers are not aware of their role and services in contemporary schools. This article reports on a study that analyzed written texts produced by primary school teachers, discussing the function, role, and potential of school libraries. The teachers participating in the research described the ideal library, which is quite different from the reality in primary schools.


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