Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Chlapoutaki, E. & Dinas, K. 2014. (in Greek). Pedagogical Practices of Critical Media Literacy / Παιδαγωγικές Πρακτικές Κριτικού Γραμματισμού στα Μέσα. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences 2(1): 110-123

Chlapoutaki, E. & Dinas, K. 2014. (in Greek). Pedagogical Practices of Critical Media Literacy / Παιδαγωγικές Πρακτικές Κριτικού Γραμματισμού στα Μέσα. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences 2(1): 110-123

Literacy practices are changing rapidly in daily life because of media. Consequently, there is an urgency for educational changes, in order the requirements for the new communication skills to be fulfilled and a critical awareness of media to be developed. This means that not only is media literacy a necessity in educational settings, but also it has to be critical. However, any update of the curriculum on the basis of critical literacy pedagogy has effect on the teaching practices. The aim of this paper was, after mentioning and analyzing the applied teaching practices of critical media literacy in different educational settings of developed countries, to provide suggestions of implementing critical media literacy in the Greek educational system.


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