Αρχική » Περιοδικά-Συνέδρια » Kokozidou, A. Goti, E., & Dinas, K. (2020). Critical Literacy in Preschool Education Classroom. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9(1), 133–169.

Kokozidou, A. Goti, E., & Dinas, K. (2020). Critical Literacy in Preschool Education Classroom. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9(1), 133–169.

During the last years, educational curricula are being reformulated in an attempt to introduce innovative practices, with a view to strengthen and emancipate students, to realize the power of discourse in building realistic situations, and hence to treat it as a means that can be used to impose strength, but also as a means to negotiate it. With this consideration in mind, the purpose of the proposal presented in this article is, whether and to what extend preschool students are able to develop critical thinking by analyzing a multimodal text (a poster of Children’s Ombudsman regarding children’s rights). This article presents whether students can analyze and question power relations, whether they can comprehend the purpose and ideology of each text, whether they can approach each text in a way that can gradually lead them to understanding the world around them, and to their active participation in society. Therefore, the present article will highlight the need for language teaching through the prism and the principals of critical literacy (and) in pre-school education. In particular, the article shows the proposed methodology for the study and comprehension of a text under the four perspectives of critical literacy: the text and the context of communication, the text as a linguistic and conceptual structure, the text as a social practice and the text as an object of evaluation.

Keywords: Critical Literacy, Preschool Education, Poster, Multimodal Text.

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