Αρχική » 2016 (Σελίδα 2)

Αρχείο έτους 2016

Chlapoutaki, E. & Dinas, K. 2016. Obstacles in Implementing Critical Pedagogy. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences 4(1): 88-94

Critical pedagogy is considered quite challenging to be enacted both for academicians and professionals in education. This paper focuses on the exploration of the obstacles educators have faced in their efforts toward implementing a critical pedagogy in different educational settings. After reviewing the relevant critical literacy literature, suggestions to overcome the obstacles are made. In our view, this study is contributing to the discussion concerning the update of curricula and teaching practices by embedding a critical perspective.

Key words: Critical Pedagogy, Critical Literacy, Obstacles

Obstacles in Implementing Critical Pedagogy

Xρήσιμες διευθύνσεις

Εργαστήριο Γλώσσας και Προγραμμάτων Γλωσσικής Διδασκαλίας


Προσωπικό ιστολόγιο: Αναζητήσεις

Προσωπικό Moodle: Συν-εργασίες