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Publications - 2012


Pnevmatikos, D., & Papadopoulou, E. (2012). Schoolchildren’s and adolescents’ tolerance to contradictions. Towards democratically orientated curriculum design. In D. Alt & R. Reingold (Eds.), Changes in teachers’ moral role. From passive observer to moral and democratic leadership (pp. 81 – 92). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

 Pnevmatikos, D., & Trikkaliotis, I. (2012). Procedural justice in a classroom where teacher implements differentiated instruction. In D. Alt & R. Reingold (Eds.), Changes in teachers’ moral role. From passive observer to moral and democratic leadership (pp. 155 – 163). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Pnevmatikos, D. (2012). Developmental changes in God concept: Research and educational implications. In D. Koukoura, P. Skaltsis, & V. Mitropoulou (Eds), Pedagogy for love and freedom. Thessaloniki: Vanias.(In Greek). [Πνευματικός, Δ. (2012). Αναπτυξιακές αλλαγές στην έννοια του Θεού: Έρευνα και εφαρμογές στην εκπαίδευση. Στο Δ. Κούκουρα, Π. Σκαλτσής και Β. Μητροπούλου (Επμ.), Αγωγή αγάπης και ελευθερίας. Θεσσαλονίκη: Βάνιας.]

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