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Papers presented at International Conferences - 2010


Pnevmatikos, D. & Trikkaliotis, I. (2010). «Procedural justice in the classroom: Schoolchildren’s judgments about the procedures used by their teachers to implement differentiated instruction». In 2nd Symposium on Moral and Democratic Education: Tel-Aviv, Israel, August 2010.

Pnevmatikos, D. & Papadopoulou, E. (2010). «The effect of schoolchildren’s and adolescents’ attitudes towards collectivism and individualism to their beliefs on how to resolve contradictions». In 2nd Symposium on Moral and Democratic Education: Tel-Aviv, Israel, August 2010.

Makris, N. & Pnevmatikos, D. (2010). «Consciousness about cognitive processing, executive control and cognitive performance». In 14th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Toronto, Canada, June 2010.

Pnevmatikos, D. & Bardos, A. (2010). «Interpersonal Relationships of youth in Greece: An exploratory cross-validation». Accepted paper presentation in an Invited Symposium «Facing life’s challenges by building resilient children, schools, communities». In 3rd International Conference of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece: Thessaloniki. Greece, December 2010.

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