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Publications - 2002


Pnevmatikos, D. (2002). Conceptual changes in religious concepts of elementary schoolchildren: The case of the house where God lives. Educational Psychology, 22, 91-110. [doi:10.1080/01443410120101279]

Pnevmatikos, D. (2002). Conceptual Change, mental models and their internal consistency within the religious domain of knowledge. In S. Lehti and K. Merenluoto (Eds.), A process approach to conceptual change (pp. 148-158). Turku, University of Turku.

Pnevmatikos, D. & Makris, N. (2002). The effect of cultural background on conceptual change: the concept of God among Christian and Muslim children and young adults. In S. Lehti and K. Merenluoto (Eds.), A process approach to conceptual change (pp. 216-226). Turku, University of Turku.

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