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Publications - 2010


Pnevmatikos, D., Geka, M. & Divane, M. (2010). The emergence, development and structure of ethnic identity during childhood: The case of Roma identity. International Journal of Psychology, 45(6), 435-442.

Schunk, D, Pintrich, P., &. Meece, J. (2010). Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications (2nd edition). Upper Saddle River, (NJ): Merill Prentice Hall. Editorial of the Greek Edition. Athens: Gutenberg-Dardanos.

Pnevmatikos, D. & Makris, N. (2010). Cross-cultural evidence for constraints in conceptual development, or, are the places where Allah and God live the same? In J. Håkansson (Ed.), Developmental Psychology, (pp.117-133). York (NY): Nova Science Publishers, (ISBN: 978-1-61668-342-9). []

Pnevmatikos, D. & Makris, N. (2010). Cross-cultural evidence for constraints in conceptual development, or, are the places where Allah and God live the same? In L. Berhardt (Ed.), Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 9, (pp. 207-224). York (NY): Nova Science Publishers, (ISBN: 978-1-61728-026-9). []

Makris, N. & Pnevmatikos, D. (2010). The development of children’s knowledge about consciousness. In A. Fiedler and I. Kuester (Eds.), Child development and child poverty, (pp. 135-154). New York (NY): Nova Science Publishers. []

Makris, N. & Pnevmatikos, D. (2010). The development of children’s knowledge about consciousness. In L. Berhardt (Ed.), Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 9, (pp. 187-206). New York (NY): Nova Science Publishers, (ISBN: 978-1-61728-026-9). []

Pnevmatikos, D. (2010). Do children account their personal relevance on social justice inferences? In C. Klaassen & N. Maslovaty (Eds.), Moral Development and citizenship education: Moral courage and the normative professionalism of teachers, (pp. 197-210). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. []

Pnevmatikos, D. (2010). Learning children to be moral. In M. Sakelariou, A. Petrou, & M. Zempylas (Eds), Morality and Education: Dilemmas and challenges (pp. 205-234). Thessaloniki: Kritiki. (In Greek). [Πνευματικός, Δ. (2010). Μαθαίνοντας τα παιδιά να είναι ηθικά. Στο Μ. Σακελαρίου, Α. Πέτρου & Μ. Ζεμπύλας (Επμ.), Ηθική και Εκπαίδευση: Διλήμματα και προοπτικές, (σσ. 205-234). Θεσσαλονίκη: Κριτική.]

Pnevmatikos, D. & Papadopoulou, E. (2010). The effect of schoolchildren’s and adolescents’ attitudes towards collectivism and individualism to their beliefs on how should resolve contradictions. In R. Reingold, (Ed.), Moral and Democratic Education and its influence on the society, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Moral and Democratic Education. Tel-Aviv: The Mofet Institute & Achva College of Education.

Pnevmatikos, D. & Trikkaliotis, I. (2010). Procedural justice in the classroom: Schoolchildren’s judgments about the procedures used by their teachers to implement differentiated instruction. In R. Reingold, (Ed.), Moral and Democratic Education and its influence on the society, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Moral and Democratic Education. Tel-Aviv: The Mofet Institute & Achva College of Education.

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