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Project: "Science Teacher Education". In the context of "Education and Life Long Learning" programme. Funded by the European Union and National Resources. Duration 1/2/2014-31/7/2015, Budget: 200.000Euros.


1993-1996: Investigation of students’ construction of scientific knowledge in a learning environment, using interactive multimedia in specific cognitive areas (Electricity and Energy)”. General Secretary of Research  and Technology.


“Study of pre-service teachers’ development of science pedagogical content knowledge” (1998 – 2000), Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


“MaterialsScience Project: University-school partnerships for the design and implementation of research-based ICT-enhanced modules on Material Properties”, (2007-2009). SAS6-CT-2006-042942-Material Science (042942). Steering Board Member.(


“Strategic Action Plan/Plan for the implementation of actions for the organization and operation of the Life-Long Learning Institute”, (2006-2007). University of Western Macedonia, Operational Programme "Education and Primary Vocational Training" (EPEAEK), Greece.


“Investigating Teaching-Learning Sequences: the case of forces”. (2004 - 2006). Pythagoras I, Operational Programme "Education and Primary Vocational Training" (EPEAEK), Ministry of Education, Greece.

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