Dr. Protopsaltis teaches independently the following three courses :
Dr. Protopsaltis also contributes as an assistant in the following courses :
- MK10 - Object oriented programming I - Java (2nd semester) (Spring)
- MK4 - Structured Programming-C (1st semester) (Winter)
- MK17 - Algorithms and Data Structures (3rd semester) (Winter)
In the past, Dr. Protopsaltis has taught independently the folowing courses :
- Ε17 - Digital Image Processing (8th semester) at University of Western Macedonia (UOWM)
- ΜΚ35 - Web Programming (9th semester)at University of Western Macedonia (UOWM)
- 3D Digital Applications at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)
- Web Programming at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)
- Computer-Aided Design at Technological Educational Institute of Larissa (TEITH)
Dr. Protopsaltis also contributed as an assistant in six courses:
- Object oriented programming I - C++, at University of Western Macedonia (UOWM)
- Object Oriented Programming II - Java, at University of Western Macedonia (UOWM)
- Introduction to Computer Science, at University of Western Macedonia (UOWM)
- C Programming, at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)
- Creative Animation, at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)
- Data structures and Databases, at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)
- Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic, at Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEIWM)