Dr. Pantelis Angelidis
Head, Biomedical Technology and Digital Health Lab
Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dean, School of Engineering
Univ. of Western Macedonia

Pantelis Angelidis is a Prof. on Bioinformatics & Digital Health in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece since 2008. He is a Telecommunication & Computer Engineer by education. He has worked on Technology for Health projects in Europe, US and Africa for the past 30 years. He has published over 130 papers in international journals, conferences and book chapters. He is the founder of Vidavo (http://www.vidavo.eu/), a Digital Health start-up and co-founder of Blockachain, a Health (and more) Blockchain start-up (http://www.blockachain.gr/), both in Thessaloniki, Greece. He has patented three telemedicine devices and one data processing algorithm. He was visiting professor at MIT Media Lab in 2009-10 and again in 2015-16. He is a visiting Prof. at UB Medical School, Barcelona, Kingston Un, UK and DIKU/UCPH, Copenhagen. He is a Marshall Memorial fellow and an alumni of the Bodosaki foundation. He is a Member of the Hellenic Innovation Network. He is active in turning research results into innovative products focusing on technologies for preventive health, personalized medicine and active ageing.
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